TX: District Attorney puts sex offenders on notice, warns parents that strangers are least of their worries

Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham has a message for unregistered sex offenders looking for a place to hide: stay away from Southeast Texas.

“I really think sexual predators should find somewhere else to go,” Wortham said, adding that unregistered sex offenders in Jefferson County would be prosecuted for failing to register and for failing to change their address within seven days of moving. They face third-degree felony charges and punishment ranging from two to 10 years behind bars. Full Article

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So he goes on a tangent about sex offenders and how bad we are and how we have to be prosecuted with prisin for not telling them where we are but then says 90% of danger is not stranger danger. Hmmm thats kind of contradictory. Then the DA says shes onky prosecuted one case out of 150 cases that was a stranger. But yet incecagain attack ex offenders…..These people are delusional and can’t even comprehend something thatva three tear old could figure out…

If family members know, then why aren’t they charged me with accessory at least when the perp is charged?

This article sounds like a Christmas version of the Halloween warnings.

The famous “Big Lie” of telling it long enough for everyone to believe it to be true.

Again, the words- “Sexual Predators” and “Pedophiles” just thrown around in practically every statement made by this DA.

He wants to DEFINE that EVERY Sex Offender is a “Sexual Predator” and “Pedophile”.

Tis the season to be happy tra-la-la-la-laaaa la-la-la-laaaaa

Oh wait…..unless you are an ex offender….Monsters in every corner

The old conflate and confuse ploy. It makes it simpler for the public to understand what the DA is doing for them to keep them all safe. Let’s not forget that the DA is an elected position.

The message is that sex offender = predator = child molester = pedophile = subhuman monster.

Now, let’s all get together at the county government meeting and pass some more laws to punish … uh, I mean regulate … those subhuman monsters some more. For the children…

And lets discourage touching of children. There’s “good touch”, “bad touch”, and the “secret touch”, and you just can’t know which is which, so be sure not to let Uncle Joe or Aunt Sadie touch your child. For that matter, is it really OK for your spouse to touch your child? Is it OK for you? You never know who might be a child sex predator. You know, maybe for their safety, children should simply never be touched at all. Surely then they’ll grow up well-adjusted, happy, and whole.

Sounds like he is looking to get re-elected next year, don’t ya think he should be more worried about his own words to bite him on the butt. Sniff, sniff, I smell ” hypocrisy “.

This article also sounds like if you have family here and you are a registered sex offender, don’t bother to come here at all.

Can anyone else not see how the timing of this “PSA” is suspect? That’s right.. you guessed it! This is just a smoke screen to DEFLECT attention away from the Joe Barton photo fiasco.

This is how the Republicans run damage control by redirecting hate, anger and scorn towards the so-called bigger threat – sex offenders.

This is how they operate, folks.

I have to wonder if the DA is aware that his “zero tolerance” “prosecute to the fullest” approach is likely to have a dangerous negative effect on public safety. It will be counterproductive. People will be more reluctant to report intra-family abuse situations if they know the culprit will certainly face excessive prison time, lifetime on a sex offender registry, etc. Families will hesitate to report if the outcome means Uncle Joe will never be able to work again, Uncle Joe will have to wear a GPS bracelet and be permanently ostracized from society for the rest of his life, etc. I suspect that most families certainly want the perpetrator to receive reasonable punishment and receive therapy/treatment, but lawmakers have begun making the relentless, excessive punishment just too much for family members to willingly subject the perpetrators to.

(Of course, to the DA’s benefit, if this does occur as I suggest, then fewer crimes will be reported and he will be able to take credit for falling sex offense rates in his district ….. and he will garner more votes on Election Day. When, in truth, the sex offense rates will NOT have fallen – it will only be the REPORTING of offenses that has dropped.)